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In its 6th edition the  SICO invites researchers, professors and postgraduate students (master's and doctorate) to submit proposals in abstract form (minimum 600, maximum 900 words).

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Undergraduate students

challenges in globalized contexts

When defining the theme Organizational Communication and Regionalities: challenges in globalized contexts for the 2023 edition, VI SICO seeks to promote discussion about regionalities and their interface with communication. In this sense, it seeks to understand regionalities as an epistemological-theoretical-analytical lens to observe communication processes, especially in organizational contexts.


In the modern world, with universal claims to totality, regionality has become a factor of difference and approximation, presenting the power to study communicational experiences that are accommodated as a result of their particular characteristics and/or elements.


The aim is, through this theme, to reinforce dialogue with researchers who partner with the Seminar at the international level and to win over new researchers in order to strengthen the studies of Organizational Communication in Brazil and consolidate its internationalization.

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