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Wednesday, November 29th
  • 4:00 p.m.: Accreditation and Reception

  • 6:30 p.m.: Opening ceremony

Prof. Demetrius David da Silva  (Rector-UFV), Prof. Odemir Vieira Baêta (Director CCH-UFV), Prof. José Ambrósio Ferreira Neto (Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture-UFV), Prof. Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes (Pro-Rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies-UFV), Prof. Henrique Mazetti (Head of Department DCM-UFV), Prof. Ivone de Lourdes Oliveira (PUC Minas and Rede Hologramas), Prof. Angela Marques (UFMG and GT Compós), Prof. Margarida Maria Krohling Kunsch (Honored Researcher in the area of Organizational Communication in Brazil), Prof. Daniel Reis Silva (Abrapcorp) and Prof. Rennan Mafra (UFV).

  • 7pm: Opening Conference - The Spirit of the World in Silicon Valley?

Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University)​

Debater: Prof. Rennan Mafra (UFV)

Thursday, November 30th
  • 08:30: Round table 2 - Communication, organizations and regionalities: mediatization and vulnerabilities

Prof. Jean Luc Pascal Moriceau (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School)​

Prof. Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques (UFMG)

Debater: Prof. Frederico da Cruz Vieira de Souza (UFV-ALMG)

  • 10:30 am: Round table 2 - Communicationaction, organizations and regionalities: landscapes and tensions of globalizationO

Prof. Ivone de Lourdes Oliveira (PUC Minas)

Prof. Cleusa Maria Andrade Scroferneker (PUCRS)

Debater: Diego Wander Santos da Silva (UFRGS)

  • 2:00 p.m.: Work groups

  • 16:00:Graduation Space

  • 6:30 pm: Communication Workshops forundergraduate student

Workshop 1: Connecting Strategies: digital social networks in the organizational context

Marcela Vouguinha – Master in Social Communication from PUC Minas


Workshop 2: Diversities in organizational communication: theoretical-practical dilemmas

Samuel Rubens – Master in Social Communication from UFMG

Friday, December 1st
  • 08:30:Round table 3 - Communication, organizations and regionalities: social innovations and solidarity economy

Prof. Dominique Besson (Université Lille) 

Prof. Bianca Aparecida Lima Costa (UFV)

Debater: Prof. Daniel Reis Silva (UFMG)

  • 10:30 am:Round table 4 - Communication, organizations and regionalities: political and discursive dimensions

Prof. Rudimar Baldissera (UFRGS)

Prof. Mariana Ramalho Procópio Xavier (UFV)

Debater: Prof. Isaura Mourão Generoso (UFV)

  • 14:00: Panel researchers I: Interfaces and research in Organizational Communication, Regionalities and Globalization

Prof. Maria Aparecida Ferrari (USP)

Prof. Fábia Pereira Lima (UFMG)

Prof. Márcio Simeone Henriques (UFMG)

Prof. Angela Cristina Salgueiro Marques (UFMG)

Prof. Isaura Mourão Generoso (UFV)

Prof. Cleusa Scroferneker (PUCRS)

Prof. Diego Wander Santos da Silva (UFRGS)

Panel Coordinator: Profa. Margarida Maria Krohling Kunsch (USP)

  • 16:00: Panel researchers II: Interfaces and research in Organizational Communication, Regionalities and Globalization

Prof. Daniel Reis Silva (UFMG)

Prof. Sandra Nunes Leite (Ufal)

Prof. Cláudia Peixoto de Moura (Abrapcorp)

Prof. João José Azevedo Curvello (UnB)

Prof. Rudimar Baldissera (UFRGS)

Prof. Ivone de Lourdes Oliveira (PUC Minas)

Prof. Rennan Mafra (UFV)

Panel Coordinator: Profa.Mônica Cristine Fort (UTP) 

5:30 pm:  Closing

Meet the guests

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